Ambassador of taste

Spinger Energy drinks

#Be our ambassador of taste!

Share your heartwarming and delicious experiences of drinking our energy drinks with your loved ones with all the fans of this drink and test your chance to become the top winner of this festival.



You can publish your delicious and energetic moments and health experiences of consuming this drink on our social pages with the hashtag # Ambassador of Taste! In addition to displaying your images and clips on these pages, highly exquisite prizes are considered for top submissions by the Ambassador of Taste team of the SPINGER energy drink for your good taste and valuable creativity.

How do I participate in the # Ambassador of Taste campaign?

  1. Purchase your favorite energy drink.
  2. Record your sweet experience while buying and drinking the beverage with the camera.
  3. Post your pictures and clips on your Instagram page.
  4. Write the description of your pleasant experience in the caption.
  5. Add the hashtag #Ambassador of Taste at the end of the caption

What will be the final result of our submissions?

The Donyaye Mehr Spad Company gathers all the images and clips submitted by its customers in the form of multimedia albums and publishes them with the names of people and mentions their experiences on its websites and social pages.


Shared videos

What are the prizes of this campaign?

Most of those who consume #SPINGER-energy-drinks believe that the best reward for them is the high quality and paying attention to the needs and tastes of people in the production of this product and paying attention to the maximum reduction of the consumer price. However, our support team has prepared exquisite prizes for the top players of this campaign, which include the following:

Cash prizes

Gift packages, including different types of #energy-drinks

Publishing the images periodically on the social pages of the SPINGER brand


The drawing winners

Winners of the first week


Winners of the second week


Winners of the third week


Winners of the third week
